Saturday, November 26, 2011

There's A Cadence in my Soul...

The Real You

Today, there’s a cadence in my soul:
Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
There is a real you lying in wait,
Planted deeply within your hearts seat;
When young,  she was all that you knew;
But under others you were buried from light;
Their debris covered what wouldn’t conform,
To their rules deemed over your life;
So this child that was to be,
Hid in darkness away from their sight.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
For years the child tried to speak,
But it learned to adjust its own speech;
It tried desperately to develop alone,
Although its ways were never pleasing enough;
Soon it laid rest in the hope of its dreams;
Till what was to be, drifted off to sleep,
 Sending an alter to rise up in her stead;
At a distance which felt safe from shame.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace

There were times when she tried to awake,
To fill the empty halls with her sound;
But when stirred, a terror would scream;
In innocence to survive, she laid down;
Could she cope with all of their ways?
Could she face their manipulation of truths?

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
Such brutality from those touting “friends!”
Not one there to shield her in any way.
Naive to it all, she won’t leave;
Sleep appears, to be the most loving thing;
In her dreams maybe she'll believe we am here.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace

So I prayed that one day she'd awake,
From the stir of a well rested state;
Her  vitality would well up inside:
that her dreams fill the halls of your mind;
Chasing echos you'd see you’re not alone.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
Without us the visions incomplete.....
There is truth which she found - stored away;
Each a treasure stored  within distant shores;
All gifts for our walks through the tides
Proving their evidence was not truth but lies.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace

You were always so brave and so strong,
You kept going when you thought there was none;
Within you, was this child you protect,
Always mindful of the harms in your midst,
Because of your love, she’s still alive;
To see things in the purity of her eyes.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
When hope you defer,  her love heals;
When your words are strong, she keeps peace;
She waits for your strength to end..........
In humility she listens while you share.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
Please remember her love; how she cares.....
Today look at life through her stare;
Through her focus see what she sees;
 For her sights are not set toward blame.
 She sees purity, enlightenment and peace.

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace

Hear her voice as the innocence it is,
Whispering “Come with me live, love and laugh”
“For this journey is forever, yet not long”
“Open up; just a glimpse and you'll see”

“Remember the real you; be free”

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
“Together we can do many more things”
“Let’s not worry, for nothing we lack”

Our needs are met and there's more,
..............To go, to dream, to create”
“Release the weights of this world”
“This view changes your perception and view.”

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace
“Feel the wind of my words lift you up”
“Be stirred by the melody she sing”
“Keep the tune in your heart while we fly”
“So no harm, will our mind ever meet”
“Do not enter the dark, we need light”
“Let’s extend wings of peace and be free”
“Share the truth as our flight takes us up”

Chase light…. be salt….. extend peace

There are many sleeping children in our midst,
resting in dreams of their release
to chase light, be salt, extend peace
 together let's call out their name
and rejoice as they rise in this wake.
Candace Huffmaster ©2011 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A. A. MacQueen's newest books

We are very excited!  A. A. MacQueen's books are available:
Following Claire is the story of the deep love that Mac MacClaine has for his wife, Dr. Claire MacClaine.  Much of the story reflects that love and the heartache that Mac experiences when he loses her.  And then, how he deals with it.   A bit of suspense is brought into the story when a family member is abducted in Washington, D.C.  We then learn how Mac can deal with another type of crisis.
Doing Good explores the seedy underworld of child trafficking.  Again Mac MacClaine is brought into the story when he reconnects with an old friend in Nashville, Tennessee.  Mac is instrumental in bringing justice to an otherwise bad situation.  The FBI, who is running the investigation, finds there is trouble in their midst and they must get help from outside their organization to fix it.
Clicking on the books will take you to where you can download his books.  You can find out more about the author by visiting his site - link below.
A. A. MacQueen
Author of Mac MacClaine & Harry Kincaid Adventure Novels

Friday, August 19, 2011

In Peace _Prayer in Prose

In Peace cropped

Good morning Daddy ~

How I need you this day
Prepare my heart in your presence
Explore the deep things I know not
Perceive my intent with your wisdom
In holiness counsel my mind.

You and you alone are my strong tower
My watchman interceding for my life
I wait for your guidance and instruction
For my knowledge is from my own mind

I ask for reparation in your presence
Since I released all the bondage of the past
I liberate all those in its power
I desire all to be free in your will

Show me the ancient ways everlasting
The path protected by your agape love
Lead me not into temptation
Deliver me into your Zoë world

This day is filled with your mercy
I flourish because of your grace
Rise in me, lifting me higher
To extend my continence in faith

You alone are Lord God and Almighty
Your hand keeps me safe for your sake
The will of your presence is upon me
To be complete as I’m sealed with your name

Rain upon us the provision of a True Father
Increase your family one by one
Bear your lineage as you join us together
Give birth to the heritage spoken long ago

In peace we will travel among others
Leading truth in the light of each day
We pray for them now to be waiting
For them to see as your glory walks past

We request that their ears hear you call them
That they rejoice as they fall into their place
Let it Be as the Father has desired
a body, His body and His own.

In Love…..with Christ

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kaleidoscope Key

Praise in Prose

Kaleidoscope Key

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

The images, which are many, over time shut us in
Till pain causes crisis and we cocoon to withstand.
Here safe inside, the images are seen in full
Now seeing what is false, we release to hold the true
When false wrappings are lost, our forgiveness takes flight
When, all, we’ve forgiven them - our transparency giving way to the light.
Whatever we grip in fear, blocks us from seeing their need
Our needs become too large, a pit which has no end
Listen and be still, my hope is for you to understand
Without your hand extended, there is nothing free to grab
Your need is strength of my hand, to infuse when you feel weak
If not clinging to what is faithful, you will fall from a compromised link. 

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet……
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

The world also raises empty hands, desiring to be filled
But they desire objects to fill as they then clutch
Release things and make way, my hand must be firmly wrapped
To amply strengthen your grip and helping our body reach
Stay holding till you're well balanced, even though excitement will build
One hand will always stay connected, through the night and into the day,
When fully charged I release the other, so you too may touch those weak 
Stretch out encouraging their assurance, when in me they will stabilize to break free;
With all hands completing the circle, there is power from unity,
And together in this perfect moment, we have experienced the Kaleidoscope Key.  

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet……
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

Mirrors are true reflections: when triune all angles are right
Each traveler enters with knowledge, they perceive through what they believe
The spirit understands and knows this, once deep inside His truth interprets each scene
Your honesty lifts them with  encouragement, love accepted ignites a passion to thrive
When belief in my reality is more than knowledge, they release your hand to seek my face
When they see Me…. my eyes become their mirror, and they see themselves clothes in my grace
Till then we must keep passing over, riding midair spreading the splendor of True Love
Lighting the skies with His radiance, raining His purity to wash and calm
Through Christ all evil is vanquished, and returned to the abyss of it’s home.

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet……
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

In liberty God’s children will remember, because they are loved they will finally return
Don’t worry about a perfect clean up, for this was never the intent of our job
Simply radiate spilling nourishment with great pleasure, others in need glean what rises up along the way
Keep moving, prepare for those that follow, I know what their needs truly are
Release them with no worry, true love entwines our hearts and minds
Your touch, when you were with them singed deeply through their skin
 And not that of a mere man, it was my touch through the print of your hand
To seal them for all eternity, with the glorious signet for all to see
That we are one body and one family, raising one voice, in honor of the "King of Kings".
By Candace Huffmaster

©Candace Huffmaster 2007 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Praise in Prose

Each Circle Made

Today, today,
Enough for today.
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
Will soon pass away.

Life is but breath,
And tears wash away.
The sun and moon rise,
Turn does the earth, (#1)
All creatures age,
Each circle made.

Yesterday, yesterday,
Leave it behind.
Yearn, yearn, to learn on the way.
Beginning and end all have a place.
Place was predestined,
Before time had space.

One, one, unity complete
Nothing is missing,
All time is now.

Two, two, separate, weak
Until fight is over,
Tears still wash through,
Sorrow wells up,
Mercy washes clean.

Today, today,
It's still called today.
Thank God for His division,
For two to be one
And Satan to perish,
Separate as he chose.

God, God my Creator, my Lord,
Divinity and greatness,
Desiring to lavish all.

May we praise you and please you,
All our days through,
Our heads humbly bowed,
Our covering, You.

Thanks to Jimmy Crain for his editing
© Candace Huffmaster 2006 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sometimes You Must BE the Beauty in the midst of Chaos!

Making His Mark With BeautyKB, Inc’s world-wide motto is alive

Hip, Hip Hooray! Now our organization is seeing beauty emerge all around the world. When we changed our "slogan" from Loving Who You Were Divinely Created To BE to Reaching Through Chaos, Seeing True Beauty Emerge we did not quiet understand why - because we knew the first one was correct. However, we had to believe in what God saw beneath the chaos in order to find the faith which enabled our perseverance to help others not only see what we saw, but believe in it.

As we began telling women and children that they were desired, loved and had a reason to not be afraid, we saw them embrace the " idea" of hope.  But as we stuck by them~ encouraging them to believe that even as God forsaken as life can feel at times, there are always lovely moments too; we noticed they were actually reaching out to grab onto that hope and tucking it away to protect it. But the day we understood with His understanding was when we saw His "beauty mark".  It was the day that all the pieces collided to perfectly mesh.  For the first time I know I saw the elusive Kaleidoscope Butterfly.  Although it was one moment it was also many and there will be many more.  Because as we are walking and relating to these lovely individuals God is revealing precious details which are transforming their minds to see that they, themselves, need to BE BEAUTY in this world of chaos.

We are witness to the fact that there is not a more beautiful sight than His hand reaching through their chaos to share in very real ways.

Our work is simple but true:
We believe True Beauty is as a seed planted within you, tenderly tucked into a deep, dark space. Alone with such dreams of grandeur, restlessly squirming, simply dying to be released! It truly believes there is something much larger and unique it is to be. It feels it could bestow beauty and goodness upon an unaesthetic world. “Just as the butterfly is always within the caterpillar – so too your beauty is fighting to take flight and ride the breeze. You are a kaleidoscope butterfly, a vision foreseen in the mind of the Great Divine. He delights in what you have to offer. He created you to rise above and be seen. So flutter your jagged, shattered pieces in His sunlight. His hand merges all our shapes in His time. To Him we are not missing or broken we are His Delight and perfect in His sight.

We make our request known and know it is His will:
Do not look with your eyes to perceive reality. Do not allow this world to diminish what He sees. Push through the weight trying to hold and bury you. Stand tall in His continence, mercy and grace. Reach up and out with your arms wide. Turn your face to be set on the sun. Allow your bud to blossom. Be open for all to see and embrace. Release the joy in your heart for their pleasure. Allow it to pour out, free. Keep it flowing till the scent of it rises - as a fragrant offering of what you believe all heaven can now see.

So allow us to encourage you "BE the Beauty in chaos no one can stop you – honest!"

With the Love of our Christ,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creativity Flowing Through Deeply Programs

One of the most wonderful aspects of being so connected with individuals on a regular basis is actually seeing how God is transforming thoughts, actions...LIVES!

I am so blessed to be able to watch individuals realize things about themselves, discover how they work and encourage them to keep picking themselves up, dusting off and laugh about it.  God is so very good - all the time. 

Knowing this is part of the encouragement we exemplify daily - We understand that *" life is not perfect, but it is the perfect plan". Back in the day we would say * "That's a Trip".  Now, 30 years later I think I will dust that saying off and repurpose it, because "life is a trip!".  We do not have to be so serious all the time.  Whether it is a great day, a difficult day or just another day - when we keep it in perspective that this is only a journey and bad experiences are  in "fact" just another experience.  Only our perception of it gives it such power.  In truth bad experiences have no more or less power in our lives than the really great experiences or the mundane. 

Each day, we will awaken till we no longer do.  That's a fact!  Each day, we will choose our emotional responses and actions to the plethora of stimuli along the path of our moments.  Each day will come to a close leaving it in the past.  So today I am sharing thoughts made into something real, tangible and visible.  That is what God created and you and I get to walk around in it - All....Day....Long...

Now That is something to get excited about - We are "Living His Dream"!

Deeply Homework:
What do you dream about??? 
What do you envision???? 
Take out a piece of paper, if you don't desire to draw it make it from things you find.  Just get it out there - that all just attempt it.  Write about it, make it a song - a poem - a jingle ..Make up a category, your unique so don't put yourself in anyone elses' box.  "Be the Box" _just kidding I hear some line from a movie going resounding my head =D

In Group Tomorrow we will do more on this - Today Just Be - Who God Divinely Created You To Be.....and Loved IT! 


© All Rights Reserved by Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc
*Quote from "Gallery of Truth"
*Quote from "Trip Fall Fly"
*visit for archives information

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Examples of Deeply Artwork

These pieces are going up in the Glimpse of His Glory art exhibit "Sancuary"  They are not the final work of art so be sure and stop by the gallery and see all the artist work.  Glimpse of His Glory is within Johnson Ferry Baptist Church click on this link for more information about their gallery ministry.  

Sanctuary Exhibit viewing dates 
February 25 through April 10 of 2011

Be sure and snoop around the site for ways you grow in your understanding, faith and walk with God.  It's a great place to come in and be fed -
 "But don't park there...we've got work to do in the REAL world"!
art work by Candace Huffmaster

Starting A New Deeply Series

Creativity Speaks is the foundation for our Deeply Series.

Daily you can get a nugget to journal from by having us send you the post from our daily encouragement through "Journey of the Kaleidoscope Butterfly"~or simply log onto and pick a thought.....any thought and start your entries in your journal.

We meet monthly to encourage each other or daily on line.  There are also weekly, and bi-weekly meetings.  So check it out, or just share whatever you feel.  We are very happy to post your ponderings here.  After all.....ALL creativity speaks to us!

Be who you are...not who you think someone desires you to be ~ That's all.

I Am Free

I am free
Free to be
Be all you desire…..
 Of you in me

My humble heart soars
On wings of you
Your love lifts it higher……
Above all that displeases you

Shine your presence
For all to see
Not me my master……
But your divinity

Soar and cover all unpleasantness
Swaddle the essence
And cuddle it tight
Rise in us all…..
That which is pleasing in your sight

Grow your seed
Let it bear your fruit
Feed all the ravished……
Bring joy to their ground

Nourish your harvest
Farm your lush fields
Send out your abundance……
To every lost soul

Rain down - ignite your power
Strike with lightening - connect your links
Spread like current - conduct the change

Light into the darkness
Warmth onto the cold
Air increases circulate…….
Your spirit now flows

My master; my all
My life is but you
Dead to my existence……
Alive to serve you

Be all I am
Loose all I was
Bind all you are……..
My anchor; My Stronghold

By Candace Huffmaster
©2005 all rights reserved