When created, we were envisioned as thriving, so why do we merely survive? Life is a creative journey, a story being continually told. Display your creative words, music and visions;allow them to encourage the lives of others.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Auld Lange Syne by Robert Burns
Auld Lange Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to min’?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!
We twa hae run about the braes,
And pu’t the gowans fine;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot,
Sin’ auld lang syne.
We twa hae paidl’t i’ the burn,
Frae mornin’ sun till dine:
But seas between us braid hae roar’d,
Sin’ auld lang syne.
And here’s a hand, my trusty fiere,
And gie’s a hand o’ thine;
And we’ll take a right guid willie-waught,
For auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp,
And surely I’ll be mine;
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!
Auld Lange Syne,
poetry by Robert Burns
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
This is What I See
Art is an experience
That's yet to be seen
A creation within a creator
.....the emotions holding on
The sounds....the smells.....
How it will feel................
The mind may experience……
But the physical still longs
To merge with the spirit
To fill out its flesh
To escape the thought of creation
To embrace its Zoe life
To breathe among the living
To exhale and bring delight
A real life…not a memory
Now others eyes may see
The God who is the image
And we, His vision in 3D
Create ….you’re not an image
Join the pixels, give them shape
Shine the lights upon them
Give them music, let them form
See the body moving.....
Smell the fragrance...Hear the praise
All for the Love of our Father
Who created so much to give
No artist has my fullness
You each have…..must give away
In freedom to what is lacking
That’s where what I see is made
There is liberty where I am standing
Come outside …see something great!
Too large for walls to contain me
Too magnificent for one man’ praise
Too much for one person to accomplish
Too wonderful for any man to miss
That’s what I see…..do your eyes perceive?
©Candace Huffmaster
2012, All Copy Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc®
That's yet to be seen
A creation within a creator
.....the emotions holding on
The sounds....the smells.....
How it will feel................
The mind may experience……
But the physical still longs
To merge with the spirit
To fill out its flesh
To escape the thought of creation
To embrace its Zoe life
To breathe among the living
To exhale and bring delight
A real life…not a memory
Now others eyes may see
The God who is the image
And we, His vision in 3D
Create ….you’re not an image
Join the pixels, give them shape
Shine the lights upon them
Give them music, let them form
See the body moving.....
Smell the fragrance...Hear the praise
All for the Love of our Father
Who created so much to give
No artist has my fullness
You each have…..must give away
In freedom to what is lacking
That’s where what I see is made
There is liberty where I am standing
Come outside …see something great!
Too large for walls to contain me
Too magnificent for one man’ praise
Too much for one person to accomplish
Too wonderful for any man to miss
That’s what I see…..do your eyes perceive?
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc®
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Houses We Build
We were speaking in group today about our moments and how they are fleeting. We know that reality is a split second and we discussed the things we build. Lastly we spoke of the house with many rooms which God has built for us. I will be sending the overview of group in a bit, but I promised each of you I would send this - and I am faithful to my word as far as it depends on me ;)
My love to each of you - when you have done all to stand....stand, give God something to find when He shows up to bring His best to you.
My love to each of you - when you have done all to stand....stand, give God something to find when He shows up to bring His best to you.
If it is My word, it will be through all known time
No doubt shall change what is; what is known is what shall be
Faith is found by understanding; knowledge comes and will pass away
Those who are My children, stand sure on My firm ground
If it is My word, it will be through all known time
No doubt shall change what is; what is known is what shall be
Faith is found by understanding; knowledge comes and will pass away
Those who are My children, stand sure on My firm ground
Reality's within this moment; not the
moments fading away
All yesterdays built tomorrow; the today which fades away
What man perceives My reality, even claims to understand
Within minds which I created, given limits of what I Am
Wisdom is not among those, who lavish on themselves
Who squander and belittle the majesty of My will
In My mind all things are possible, through Me all things complete
By this all things are accomplished; unto them all things will be
©Candace Huffmaster 2006, All Copy Rights Reserved
All yesterdays built tomorrow; the today which fades away
What man perceives My reality, even claims to understand
Within minds which I created, given limits of what I Am
Wisdom is not among those, who lavish on themselves
Who squander and belittle the majesty of My will
In My mind all things are possible, through Me all things complete
By this all things are accomplished; unto them all things will be
©Candace Huffmaster 2006, All Copy Rights Reserved
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Oil Painting
Candace Huffmaster
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. Isaiah 64:4
Some days seem long. Even longer are the days we are waiting for things to change. During such times God’s faithfulness has always encouraged me. As I would sit with Him, read, relate and pray, He would give me strength. Time and again, He walked me through circumstances proving that I did not need to pray for things or people to be different to be at peace. His largest concern was that I accept his gifts and believe I needed Him more than anything I could hear, see, touch or smell, in order to could keep my peace.
Without some of those, seemingly, immovable obstacles I would not have experienced the depths of His faithfulness. Without those deep experiences, I would not have had the stamina to rise above the challenges. Through these challenges my eyesight expanded, and I received insight. As my vision corrected my perceptions of situations and people were no longer distorted by fear, but perfected in love.
I’m sure there are obstacles down my road. But, in Him I trust I will see these object as they are, opportunities: to see better, view greater expanses and envision new things which alone would be beyond my comprehension.
©Candace Huffmaster, 2012 All Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc.™
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Opportunity is God's Divine Design
Hebrews 11: 14, 15 Those who say such things make it clear that they are looking for their own country. If they had been thinking about the country that they had left, they could have found a way to go back.
God created all things: He perceived, He conceived and believed; He establishes their goodness and set them in place. He opened up all time with opportunities and allows us to choose which we’ll take.
In the beginning, God set Adam in place giving him the opportunity to live or die. We are told to choose who we will follow and He lovingly asks us to choose to live. Only man is involved with taking hold of these opportunities. Man then chooses a spiritual ally to propel it into reality; either spirit is willing to receive this opportunity in order that it may live in the space of your moments. Which will you merge with?
Think about this: Sin is crouching, we are told, waiting to seize the opportunity to live in us. When we live in sin, it is no longer God’s divine design living but Satan’s distortion in its place. When we die with Christ to sin, the Holy Spirit is resurrecting God divine designs for our life.
Today, in each moment, I pray that we seize His opportunities and merge with the power of His truth. Plant His eternal words within and around us, not letting evil conquer us, but conquering evil with His Goodness!
©Candace Huffmaster 2012, All Copyrights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™
Candace Huffmaster art work,
Glimpse of His Glory art gallery,
Opporunity is God's Divine Design,
There is A Story Being Told
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Broken.....Beyond Repair
As I was prayerfully considering a second piece for the upcoming exhibit, Divine Design, the same thought kept running circles in my mind: God alone creates on a level of divinity......We are His precious designs, each of us! And every single one of us are broken.....beyond repair without Him! But then it started minimizing to broken beyond repair....broken beyond repair...broken beyond repair.
Then all of a sudden, it hit me; "NO we're NOT!" Yes, we are earthen vessels - pressed on all side but NOT crushed, as it states in 2 Corinthians. And YES, we do fall and when we fall we will get broken. However, the stone we fall upon will not fall upon us as to crush us. This is what Luke 20:18 states:
But mostly, as I was thanking God for all this I remembered Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4: 18,19 where Jesus quotes Isaiah:
It was then that I was so very mindful of the fortitude Christ died to grant us. I thought about how a mere mortal, without the empowerment of God's holy spirit would have been crushed under that type of pressure.
I thank God for His magnificent omnipresence, mercy and grace, enabling me to see something so divine it is quiet out of this world: Jesus! the author and perfecter of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
So, YES....I might trip, I might fall, I might even get some chips, cracks and fractures, BUT God, through Christ has placed His spirit within me to bind up all that each and every time. This is the hope that I have which takes me FAR beyond any despair into His presence which repairs all things and makes them new again!
Etch that on your heart, today my friends!
Then all of a sudden, it hit me; "NO we're NOT!" Yes, we are earthen vessels - pressed on all side but NOT crushed, as it states in 2 Corinthians. And YES, we do fall and when we fall we will get broken. However, the stone we fall upon will not fall upon us as to crush us. This is what Luke 20:18 states:
It is terribly hard, with all eyes focused on our missteps seemingly waiting to push us the rest of the way down, or trip us while we're unstable. In those moments I can relate to the psalmist who wrote: But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling; my steps had almost slipped........in Psalms 73:2. But even if I do trip, I remember Isaiah 41:10:
"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken. If that stone falls on anyone, it will crush that person."
And if God be for us who can take away our peace? What shadow is greater than His light? What arm is stronger or reaches deeper and farther than His? He also promised us that no one will snatch us from His mighty hand, and Christ promised that He did not loose one of us.Don't be afraid, because I am with you. Don't be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand.
But mostly, as I was thanking God for all this I remembered Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4: 18,19 where Jesus quotes Isaiah:
The Spirit of the Almighty LORD is with me because the LORD has anointed me to deliver good news to humble people. He has sent me to heal those who are brokenhearted, to announce that captives will be set free and prisoners will be released.Jesus was in the synagogue, in Nazareth, on the day of worship. He had returned to Galilee and we are told that the news about him spread throughout the surrounding country because the power of the Spirit was with him. He stood up to read the lesson and the attendant gave him the book of Isaiah. Opening it He read:
"The spirit of the Lord is with me. He has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor. He has sent me to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin and the restoring of sight to the blind, to forgive those who have been shattered by sin, to announce the year of the Lord's favor."Then Jesus closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue watch him closely.....As he said, "This passage came true today when you heard me read it!"
It was then that I was so very mindful of the fortitude Christ died to grant us. I thought about how a mere mortal, without the empowerment of God's holy spirit would have been crushed under that type of pressure.
I thank God for His magnificent omnipresence, mercy and grace, enabling me to see something so divine it is quiet out of this world: Jesus! the author and perfecter of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
So, YES....I might trip, I might fall, I might even get some chips, cracks and fractures, BUT God, through Christ has placed His spirit within me to bind up all that each and every time. This is the hope that I have which takes me FAR beyond any despair into His presence which repairs all things and makes them new again!
Etch that on your heart, today my friends!
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Broken....Beyond Despair Watercolor By Candace Huffmaster |
©Candace Huffmaster 2012, All Copyrights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™
Broken Beyond Despair,
Broken Beyond Repair,
Candace Huffmaster art work,
Glimpse of His Glory art gallery
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The Masquerade
Oh the struggle to exist as mere man
In the ambivalent throws of strong and weak
As guilt floods we are pierced by the shame
Listless in fear then we’re snared.
With my last breath I fight my way up,
So proud that the weak me wasn’t seen
Still I hear their words rise all the same.
In my charade I parade as they mock
“Never show fear: don’t tremble or shake”
The truth is I’d like them to see,
But these voices seem too smart; they know.
This story’s they’ve lived, they don’t lie……
So my heart starts to hurt and I hide.
It was then, these fears crouching all stood
They rushed in, overtook my space
A strong army has bound me up tight
“Oh please release me”, I say to thin air
Under weight of their silence I snap!
“Who are you?” I shout with no fear
“Why Me do you bind night to day?”
Eyes open, no reply, I give in.
Oh my mind….in my mind, is it true?
I’ve asked them to leave, they never do!
Poachers, not neighbors I’d invite...
Is it no one just me by myself?
Or maybe spirits which knock me about?
If I’m strong and against nothing I fight
It’s all futile which causes great strife!
“DEAR GOD!” I cry out; “am I alone?”
“Is it your Spirit here; can’t it Help?”
I know you don’t bind, you give life!
“Calm now I hear; I AM here”
It was your ears which receive not my sound
You’re correct, I am no poacher, I AM King
I don’t steal refuge, for I haven’t a need
Because you asked I’ll explain,
Come and sit still for a time:
When strangers become neighbors then friends...
In unity families begin
In time all these bindings wrapping tight
Unravel by the lovely which fills
Though their eyes see your face, it’s your heart
Displaying now love which was lost
Perfecting the balance you find rest
Remember, no one does your work
Side by Side we each carry our own
Do not masque or take stage with a show
Man is MORE than mere strength that you know
He is tender and kind -easily hurt
Gentle and compassionate – causing pain
In terror he hid this away
Behind a façade built for strength
But the pain which was weak overwhelmed
For My power will not be denied,
This alone is your ability to thrive
Your questions are cosmic you know
They created this battle for your soul
Receive now my power from above
Be confident of His Might, not your own
Let them see your true beauty unfold
His Spirit will rightly divide
In peace He will enter then they’ll know
Be a guide unto them like the sun
Permeate with warmth from your soul
The truth is, many do believe
But the distance for them is too great
Show them My heavens bowed low,
Showed Grace, in My mercy I came
Let them linger, hear My voice, call their name
In My kindness remember their pain
Be patient for now you too see
The many who tie up these things.
By Candace Huffmaster
Original 2005, Update ©Candace Huffmaster 2012, All Copyrights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™
Passionately Series,
the masquerade,
What do you Know
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Pitifully, Pity Filled Tears
Pitifully Pity Filled Tears
Be appalled, even shudder
But don’t worry, I’m here
Don’t live your life fearful
Don’t lay down in defeat
If you find yourself sinking….
Under pressure you deflate…..
Speak my words of wisdom;
Rise up on your feet!
If they don’t listen….
If they seem not to care….
Remember, my eyes are watching
And My angels are there!
Stand tall in My just ways,
Yet humble your self
Love all things that I love,
Allow pity to form tears.
Abhor all things evil!
Making room for My grace
But as far as you’re able
With All men be at peace
By Candace Huffmaster
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™
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