Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kaleidoscope Key

Praise in Prose

Kaleidoscope Key

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

The images, which are many, over time shut us in
Till pain causes crisis and we cocoon to withstand.
Here safe inside, the images are seen in full
Now seeing what is false, we release to hold the true
When false wrappings are lost, our forgiveness takes flight
When, all, we’ve forgiven them - our transparency giving way to the light.
Whatever we grip in fear, blocks us from seeing their need
Our needs become too large, a pit which has no end
Listen and be still, my hope is for you to understand
Without your hand extended, there is nothing free to grab
Your need is strength of my hand, to infuse when you feel weak
If not clinging to what is faithful, you will fall from a compromised link. 

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet……
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

The world also raises empty hands, desiring to be filled
But they desire objects to fill as they then clutch
Release things and make way, my hand must be firmly wrapped
To amply strengthen your grip and helping our body reach
Stay holding till you're well balanced, even though excitement will build
One hand will always stay connected, through the night and into the day,
When fully charged I release the other, so you too may touch those weak 
Stretch out encouraging their assurance, when in me they will stabilize to break free;
With all hands completing the circle, there is power from unity,
And together in this perfect moment, we have experienced the Kaleidoscope Key.  

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet……
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

Mirrors are true reflections: when triune all angles are right
Each traveler enters with knowledge, they perceive through what they believe
The spirit understands and knows this, once deep inside His truth interprets each scene
Your honesty lifts them with  encouragement, love accepted ignites a passion to thrive
When belief in my reality is more than knowledge, they release your hand to seek my face
When they see Me…. my eyes become their mirror, and they see themselves clothes in my grace
Till then we must keep passing over, riding midair spreading the splendor of True Love
Lighting the skies with His radiance, raining His purity to wash and calm
Through Christ all evil is vanquished, and returned to the abyss of it’s home.

Triangles…..angles….. corners meet……
Each life is a reflection of what our mind sees

In liberty God’s children will remember, because they are loved they will finally return
Don’t worry about a perfect clean up, for this was never the intent of our job
Simply radiate spilling nourishment with great pleasure, others in need glean what rises up along the way
Keep moving, prepare for those that follow, I know what their needs truly are
Release them with no worry, true love entwines our hearts and minds
Your touch, when you were with them singed deeply through their skin
 And not that of a mere man, it was my touch through the print of your hand
To seal them for all eternity, with the glorious signet for all to see
That we are one body and one family, raising one voice, in honor of the "King of Kings".
By Candace Huffmaster

©Candace Huffmaster 2007 All Rights Reserved